Founded in 1992, the JOURNALIST ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (JAI) is a non-Profit, Non-Govt. organisation working under the guidelines of UN & Indian law of land, and regd. with registrar of society of India (Government of India) in 1994, under the society registration Act 1860 India.

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Welcome to Journalist Association of India (JAI)

The Journalist Association of India is a Non-Profit, Non-Govt. organisation. Journalist Association of India is working & fighting to protect for freedom of expression & speech.

Working for the Welfare, rights of media worldwide from last more than Twenty-Nine years.

Professional development of writers, editors, journalists, publishers, correspondents, reporters, freelance writers, public relations professionals, photographers and other persons/ individuals/ organisation serving in the field of media sector, Non-profit organisation venture among independent producers and distributors.

International pool of TV, Movie, Press (Print and electronic) and Radio journalists worldwide under the valuable guidance of Dr. H K Sethi, Secretary-General of Journalist Association of India. Ensuring Social, legal (Providing legal help) & financial protection of journalists & news orgnisations.

Raise the standards of journalists. Organising seminars, bringing coaching to journalists who needs feedback & training to increase their proficiency in the industry, dedicated to defending, protects, improves the rights and safety of the journalists & promotion of the media freedom worldwide.

Protects and improves the rights of journalists, intellectuals & writers, tallies attack on journalists & documents the worst places to be the journalist.

Journalist Association of India (JAI) represent journalists in all sectors of media. The Journalism scene is increasingly dominated by the impact of media concentration and the influence of powerful media conglomerates around the world, there are concerns about attempts to loosen media ownership controls and there is growing concern for the future of the powerful tradition of public service broadcasting.

The work of the Journalist Association of India (JAI) has focused on the development of independent and quality journalism in support of democratic, social and economic development.

The Journalist Association of India’s Media for Democracy program promotes independent unions and associations of journalists, reform of the legal environment, public service broadcasting, professional ethics through
structures for self-regulation human rights and conflict reporting, and safety of journalists.

The Journalist Association of India (JAI) has focused on the development of independent and quality journalism in support of democratic, social and economic development.

The Journalist Association of India (JAI) activities are articulated among the following priorities:

  • Addressing democratic change, public accountability and globalisation issues.
  • Strengthening independent journalist trade unions, that are best able to defend media freedom and public scrutiny.
  • Advancing the respect for international standards of media / Press freedom.
  • Raising the professional status of journalists.
  • Safety and human rights. To encourage a climate in which journalism can be practiced freely.
  • Quality journalism: improving professional and ethical standards. To stimulate high standards and ethical
    behaviour in the practice of journalism.
  • Press Freedom. To maintain constant vigilance in protection / guarantees of freedom of speech and of the press.
  • Public service broadcasting.
  • Gender equity.
  • Developing resources. To inspire successive generations of talented individuals to become dedicated encourage diversity in journalism.
  • Conducting workshops and seminars. To foster excellence among journalists.
  • To promote this flow of information. To be the pre-eminent, broad based membership organisation for journalists.

Dr H K Sethi,
Journalist Association of India
Mobile: +919899462353, +917498000003                                                                                                                                   Email:   &