Twitter users ridiculed Greg Jarrett’s apparent insinuation that the Democratic nominee was somehow to blame for his internet problems.

Twitter users went to town on Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett on Friday after he appeared to suggest there was some nefarious link between his imminent filing of a column criticizing Democratic nominee Joe Biden and the disconnection of his internet.

Jarrett — whose tweets and articles President Donald Trump has shared on dozens of occasions — said he found it “odd, if not curious, that the moment I hit ‘send’ on my column […] my Wi-Fi service disconnected.”

“Never happened before. Probably just a coincidence,” he added:

“I’m sure it’s just a communications failure. Or not,” Jarrett conspiratorially wrote in later posts:

Jarrett’s tweets went viral for all the wrong reasons as politicians, journalists and others responded in various mocking ways:

Lee MoranReporter, HuffPost