IMAGE COPYRIGHT REUTERS image caption No one has been charged over Breonna Taylor’s death
The incident caused outrage, spurring protests against racism and brutality.
Ms Taylor was shot by officers who forced entry into her home using a “no-knock” warrant that meant they did not have to announce themselves.
The three police officers who carried out the raid were eventually sacked.
During the operation Ms Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker shot and wounded one of the officers. Earlier this month a charge of attempted murder against him was dropped.
Mr Walker said he fired once because he believed criminals were breaking in. The officers responded with 32 shots, six of which struck Ms Taylor.
The killing initially did not attract nationwide attention. But it received renewed focus after the police killing of unarmed black man George Floyd in Minneapolis, which ignited anti-racism protests around the world.
Ms Taylor’s case attracted the support of celebrities such as tennis star Naomi Osaka and basketball legend LeBron James. A US Department of Justice investigation is ongoing.
The city of Louisville paid $12m (£8.6m) to Ms Taylor’s family and agreed to police reforms to settle a wrongful death lawsuit.
Only one of the police officers who took part in the deadly raid faced any charges linked to the botched raid. Brett Hankison was charged with endangering Ms Taylor’s neighbours by firing into a next door apartment.
Earlier this week the city of Minneapolis reached a $27m settlement with George Floyd’s family.
Jury selection is under way for the murder trial of police officer Derek Chauvin, who was filmed with his knee on Mr Floyd’s neck as he begs for his life and says “I can’t breathe”. He was later pronounced dead in hospital.