image caption Moti Bagh follows the life of a farmer in a Himalayan village
Nirmal Chander’s documentary, Moti Bagh, is among the 110 films shortlisted by an alliance of 13 international film festivals.
It follows 83-year-old Vidyadutt Sharma who grows radishes and writes poetry in the northern state of Uttarakhand.
His goal is simple – he wants to grow the biggest radish India has ever seen.
But his story is also about a rural way of life that is fast disappearing.
Through Sharma’s eyes, Mr Chander explores complex themes of migration, discrimination towards outsiders, and a dwindling interest in farming among young people living in rural India.
The film, along with the 12 others, will be available for direct streaming on the LongShots site at BBC Reel.
A small jury of filmmakers and industry experts will declare the winner.
BBC readers will also have the chance to cast their votes for an audience award from 18 August 2021.