• March 4, 2025


Journalist Association of India

Jessica Parker

BBC political correspondent

Testy at moments? Yes.

Did Boris Johnson appear irked at the repeated questions about his chief aide? Sure.

Did he budge on that issue? No.

Instead, there was an almighty heave to try and move the agenda on when he appeared before the Liaison Committee of senior MPs earlier.

We’ll have to wait for the next few days to see whether Downing Street has actually weathered the Dominic Cummings storm.

Notably, a couple more Tories emerged during the hearing to say they too thought Cummings should go.

More broadly, there were detailed questions across a range of Covid-related topics.

This is a committee of fairly seasoned politicians – some of whom aren’t remotely shy of trying to give the PM a good public grilling.

And there were some sticky moments where Johnson did appear to wobble – whether it was on the proportion of women helping make high-level decisions in government, or his grasp of the fact that some migrants can’t access certain benefits.

You might be able to see why prime ministers don’t always rush to appear before this particular panel of senior MPs.

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