H K Sethi JFI October 13, 2020 Health, Latest News Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit ‘more severe’ By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Coronavirus pandemic A man in the United States has caught Covid twice, with…
H K Sethi JFI October 5, 2020 CORONA, India, Latest News India’s new paper Covid-19 test could be a ‘game changer’ A team of scientists in India has developed an inexpensive paper-based test for coronavirus that could give fast results similar…
H K Sethi JFI October 3, 2020 Latest News, Politics, U.S. Trump flown to hospital after Covid-19 diagnosis Coronavirus pandemic US President Donald Trump has been flown to hospital after testing positive for coronavirus. His doctor said Mr…
H K Sethi JFI October 2, 2020 CORONA, Latest News, World Nearly 20,000 Covid-19 cases among Amazon workers Coronavirus pandemic Amazon said that more than 19,816 of its frontline workers in the US have contracted Covid-19 since March.…
H K Sethi JFI September 11, 2020 CORONA, Latest News Coronavirus: Who would get the vaccine first? By Dominic BaileyBBC News Coronavirus pandemic If or when scientists succeed in making a coronavirus vaccine, there won’t be enough…
H K Sethi JFI August 22, 2020 CORONA, India, Latest News Coronavirus: How many Covid-19 deaths is India missing? Soutik Biswas India correspondent Coronavirus pandemic India has registered more than 50,000 Covid-19 deaths, overtaking the UK to become the…
H K Sethi JFI July 4, 2020 CORONA, Latest News Coronavirus Australia: Melbourne locks down tower blocks as cases rise Authorities in the Australian city of Melbourne have confined people living in nine housing estate tower blocks because of an…
JAOITeam May 29, 2020 CORONA, FEATURED, General, Health, Latest, News, Politics, TOP STORIES, World Coronavirus: South Korea closes schools again after biggest spike in weeks Coronavirus pandemic Media captionSouth Korean students return – but hugs are banned More than 200 schools in South Korea have…
JAOITeam May 28, 2020 CORONA, Health, Latest, News, Politics, TOP STORIES, World Coronavirus deaths in US top 100,000 The US has passed 100,000 deaths in the coronavirus outbreak in less than four months. It has seen more fatalities…
JAOITeam May 26, 2020 Business, CORONA, Food, General, Health, India, Latest, News, Politics, TOP STORIES, World Coronavirus: China’s plan to test everyone in Wuhan By Reality Check team BBC News Coronavirus: China’s plan to test everyone in Wuhan By Reality Check teamBBC News China has been carrying out an ambitious…