H K Sethi JFI December 4, 2021 Health, Latest News Covid: First data points to Omicron re-infection risk By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Coronavirus pandemic The first real world data showing the coronavirus variant Omicron…
H K Sethi JFI December 2, 2021 Health, India, Latest News Covid: Trigger of rare blood clots with AstraZeneca jab found by scientists By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Coronavirus pandemic Scientists believe they have found “the trigger” that leads to…
H K Sethi JFI August 21, 2021 CORONA, Health, Latest News Is catching Covid now better than more vaccine? James Gallagher Health and science correspondent @JamesTGallagheron Twitter Coronavirus pandemic There are marked differences in your immune system after…
H K Sethi JFI October 13, 2020 Health, Latest News Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit ‘more severe’ By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Coronavirus pandemic A man in the United States has caught Covid twice, with…