कोरोना वायरस: भारत में अब तक का हाल mohfw.gov.inCopyright: mohfw.gov.in केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय के अनुसार भारत में कोविड-19 के 70,756 मामलों की पुष्टि हो चुकी है. बीते-24 घंटे में 3,604 नए मामले सामने आये हैं और 87 लोगों की संक्रमण से मौत हुई है. भारत में अब कोविड-19 से मरने वालों की संख्या 2,293 हो […]
Within Bradford’s Asian community a few individuals are spreading fake news that non-white patients will be left to die in hospital. Dr John Wright of Bradford Royal Infirmary hears from an anaesthetist who has been receiving abusive messages as a result. The isolation of patients in the hospital from the community outside continues to spark […]
Rajasthan Chief Minister Seeks Suggestions From MLAs To Tackle COVID-19 Jaipur: To bolster the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Sunday held a video conference with the MLAs and MPs of the state and sought their suggestions. At the video conference, that lasted for nearly 12 hours, Mr Gehlot held discussions […]
Migrants’ Trains To Run At Full Capacity, 3 Stops In Destination State The capacity of passengers in each special train should be equal to the number of sleeper berths on the train, the Railways said. All IndiaReported by Parimal Kumar, Edited by Shylaja Varma (with inputs from PTI)Updated: May 11, 2020 02:25 pm IST New Delhi: The special trains […]
Now, around 1,700 passengers, three stoppages for ‘Shramik Special’ trains PTI | May 11, 2020, 12:18 IST NEW DELHI: In a bid to ferry more migrants, the Railways on Monday decided to carry around 1,700 passengers on board its ‘Shramik Special’ trains instead of the current 1,200. According to an order issued, the railway zones have also been asked to provide […]