By Reality Check team BBC News Reality Check The US and UK have pledged to donate at least 600 million doses of vaccine, as many poorer countries struggle to get their populations vaccinated against coronavirus. President Joe Biden, in the UK for a G7 summit, said the US donation would be “the largest single…donation of […]
India coronavirus: What is the government’s change to vaccine policy?
By Shruti Menon BBC Reality Check Reality Check Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that all adults in India will now get free vaccines. “It has been decided that from 21 June, all adults over the age of 18 will be vaccinated [for] free,” Mr Modi said. “Whether it is the poor, the lower […]
By Faisal Islam Economics editor Coronavirus pandemic The US was worst hit by the pandemic in the G7 big Western democracies over the first year of Covid-19, according to an updated study of excess death figures. The analysis, done for the BBC by the Health Foundation, comes on the eve of the G7 summit in […]
Coronavirus pandemic What happens when you combine the world’s biggest boyband with one of the world’s most popular burger chains? Complete and utter chaos, it seems. Or at least that was the experience of a number of Indonesian branches of McDonald’s, which found themselves so swamped with demand for the newly launched BTS Meal they […]
The second wave of Covid-19 ravaged India as hospitals and then crematoriums ran out of space. Families struggled to find beds, oxygen or even medicines to save their loved ones. While cities were first hit, the second wave soon reached rural parts of the country. Hundreds died due to poor or no access to good […]
Unlocking: India states start reopening amid dip in Covid cases
India coronavirus lockdown Major Indian states that have been virus hotpots are easing restrictions as Covid case numbers continue to fall. National capital Delhi and financial hub, Mumbai, are among the cities that are opening partially. This comes in the wake of a crushing second wave that saw hospital beds, medicines and even oxygen run […]
By Shruti Menon BBC Reality Check Coronavirus pandemic About 12,000 cases of a condition known as “black fungus” have been reported in India, mostly in patients recovering from Covid-19. This severe infection is normally very rare and has a mortality rate of about 50%. Some medical experts have suggested India has seen cases growing because […]
By Vineet Khare BBC Hindi, Delhi Coronavirus pandemic In Delhi in April, six people died alone on a hospital ward, left there by doctors in the midst of the country’s devastating second wave of Covid-19. Video of the bodies left on the ward went viral, but the headlines soon moved on, leaving a void of […]
IMAGE COPYRIGHT GETTY IMAGES India has ordered 300 million doses of an unapproved coronavirus vaccine amid a devastating second wave. The unnamed vaccine from Indian firm Biological E is in Phase 3 trials, and had showed “promising results” in the first two phases, the federal government said in a statement. The $206m order is the […]
Coronavirus pandemic The White House has defended the president’s top coronavirus adviser, Dr Anthony Fauci, amid scrutiny of his recently released work emails. Dr Fauci has been the face of the nation’s Covid-19 response, drawing both praise and criticism. “I’m very confident in Dr Fauci,” President Joe Biden said on Friday. But emails have raised […]