Coronavirus pandemic The coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech appears to protect 94% of adults over 65 years old. More data released from their continuing phase three trial suggests it works equally well in people of all ages and ethnicities. The companies say they will now apply for authorisation for emergency use of the […]
By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Coronavirus pandemic A new vaccine that protects against Covid-19 is nearly 95% effective, early data from US company Moderna shows. The results come hot on the heels of similar results from Pfizer, and add to growing confidence that vaccines can help end the pandemic. Both companies used a […]
By Krutika Pathi BBC News, Delhi Coronavirus pandemic IMAGE COPYRIGHT GETTY IMAGESimage caption Heavy pollution has shrouded the city in recent days India’s capital, Delhi, is battling a winter surge in Covid-19 cases as temperatures plummet and air pollution rises to dangerous levels. The city confirmed more than 8,500 cases on Wednesday alone, its highest […]
By Neha Arora NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Air quality in India’s capital deteriorated to its worst this year on Tuesday prompting a social media barrage of residents complaining about stinging eyes, sore throat and breathlessness in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Delhi’s overall air quality index, which measures pollutants including PM2.5 particles, rose to […]
Soutik Biswas India correspondent Coronavirus pandemic In India’s boiling summers, temperatures can easily rise to 50C (122F). Nearly all vaccines need to be transported and distributed between 2C and 8C in what comprises the so-called cold chain. And most of the Covid-19 vaccines under development, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), will need to […]
Denmark has found 214 people infected with mink-related coronavirus: State
By Reuters Staff COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – Denmark’s State Serum Institute, which deals with infectious diseases, has found mink-related versions of coronavirus in 214 people since June, according to a report on its website updated on Nov. 5. One strain of the mutated coronavirus, which has prompted Denmark to cull its entire herd of mink, has […]
By Sachin Gogoi BBC Monitoring Labanya Saikia, a single mother of three in India’s north-eastern state of Assam, lost her house to a raging fire that started from a nearby gas well of the state-run Oil India Limited (OIL) in June. Also lost in the fire was her tiny shop in Tinsukia district that enabled […]
India’s high use of antigen tests risks underestimating COVID-19 spread,
By Krishna N. Das NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Fast but less accurate “rapid antigen tests” now account for 60% of all coronavirus tests in India, the head of a top diagnostic firm estimated on Wednesday, warning that such a high use could misrepresent the actual spread of the infection. Antigen devices return results in about 15 […]
The committee’s estimate for the current spread of the virus is much higher than the Union government’s serological surveys, which showed that only around 14 per cent of the population had been infected, as of September. Shilpa Jamkhandikar MUMBAI (Reuters) – At least half of India’s 1.3 billion people are likely to have been infected […]
A 74-year-old Indian man, who was mistakenly declared dead and put in a mortuary freezer in Tamil Nadu state, has died days after being rescued. Mr Balasubramanyam was declared dead on Monday after being taken to hospital. It’s unclear what was wrong with him. He was placed in a freezer until the next day when […]