” *भास्करस्य यथा तेजो मकरस्थस्य वर्धते।* *तथैव भवतां तेजो वर्धतामिति कामये।।*” अर्थात, जिस प्रकार मकर राशि में प्रवेश करने के बाद दिन प्रतिदिन सूर्य देव का तेज बढ़ता जाता है, उसी प्रकार आप का तेज, यश और कीर्ति भी दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ती रहे । उत्तरायण का सूर्य आपके स्वप्नों को नयी ऊष्मा प्रदान करे, आपके […]
By Zoe Kleinman Technology reporter Message platforms Signal and Telegram have both seen a huge surge in downloads around the world following a controversial update to WhatsApp’s terms and conditions. WhatsApp has told its two billion users they must allow it to share data with its parent company Facebook if they wish to continue using […]
Soutik Biswas India correspondent Indian farmers protest 2020 After more than 45 days of protests and eight rounds of talks with the government, India’s farmers have refused to budge. Nothing short of a repeal of three market-friendly farm laws – designed to loosen rules around the sale, pricing and storage of farm produce – will make the […]
“May this festival of zeal and verve fill your life with lots of energy and enthusiasm and may it help you bring happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones. Happy Lohri!”With love, blessings & love Dr. H K Sethi Secretary General Journalists Federation of India Journalist Association of India Mb :- +919899462353, +918588885353 […]
Indian farmers protest 2020 India’s Supreme Court has put on hold three contentious farm laws that have sparked weeks of protests. Farmers have been camped at the borders of capital Delhi since 26 November to protest against laws that will further open up agriculture to the free market. At least four farmers at the protest […]
A night at India’s largest farmers’ protest click on below link to see detail video A night at India’s largest farmers’ protest India’s largest farmers’ protest is still under way – tens of thousands of farmers have been on strike since 26 November demanding the repeal of recent laws that they say will shrink […]
By Jonathan Marcus Diplomatic analyst US Capitol riots Many foreign leaders – and especially Washington’s allies – will have watched the events this week on Capitol Hill with amazement and alarm. Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg was one of the first to respond, tweeting “shocking scenes in Washington DC. The outcome of this democratic election must be […]
By Minreet Kaur BBC Indian farmers protest 2020 Across the UK children have been raising awareness about farmers protests in India and the impact they are having on their families and the Sikh community. For more than a month, tens of thousands of farmers, mainly from Punjab and Haryana, have been camping out at various borders […]
By Soutik Biswas India correspondent In 1996, Michael Jackson played to a packed audience in Mumbai in what was to be his only performance in India. Some 35,000 fans attended the show in a sports arena on the first day of November. Jackson’s 17-song concert in Mumbai (then called Bombay) was part of his 83-show […]
By Reuters Staff BENGALURU (Reuters) – Growth in India’s dominant services industry continued to lose momentum in December as a resurgence in coronavirus infections weighed on new business and employment, a private survey showed on Wednesday. Asia’s third-largest economy has been gradually recovering from a coronavirus-induced recession but is not expected to return to pre-pandemic […]